Time for oral submissions on appeal

Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Scheduling Order - 05.12.2006 NAHIMANA et al. (Media case)

P. 4: CONSIDERING that there exists no provision in the Tribunal’s Statute, Rules or Practice Directions as to the exact time to be allocated for the parties’ oral submissions on appeal, and that such decisions are taken by the Appeals Chamber on a case-by-case basis; […]

CONSIDERING that the Scheduling Order was issued by the Appeals Chamber under Rule 114 of the Rules in full consideration of the particular circumstances and complexity of the present case in accordance with the practice of the Tribunal;

FINDING therefore that the Appellant has failed to demonstrate any need, in the interests of justice, for the Appeals Chamber to allow more time than that allotted for the parties’ oral submissions on the merits at the Appeals Hearing in the Scheduling Order;

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