Representation by co-counsel

Notion(s) Filing Case
Appeal Judgement - 23.01.2014 ŠAINOVIĆ et al.

86. The Appeals Chamber recalls that pursuant to Article 16(C) of the Directive on the Assignment of Defence Counsel, “[a]cting under the authority of lead counsel, the co-counsel may deal with all stages of the proceedings and all matters arising out of the defence of the suspect or accused.” The Appeals Chamber has previously considered that when the accused is represented, the presence of his lead counsel or co-counsel at trial is essential.[1] Thus, a lead counsel who absents himself has the duty to ensure that his co-counsel is present at trial.[2] The Trial Chamber therefore did not err in holding that one of the purposes of Article 16(C) of the Directive on the Assignment of Defence Counsel is to allow for the accused to be represented at trial hearings by a co-counsel in the event that the lead counsel is unable to attend.[3] Furthermore, the Appeals Chamber notes that the Trial Chamber explicitly took into account that Pavković’s lead counsel and co-counsel were in contact with each other, so that the co-counsel could continue to act under the authority of the lead counsel in compliance with the relevant requirement of Rule 16(C) of the Directive on the Assignment of Defence Counsel.[4] In light of these considerations, the Appeals Chamber finds that the Trial Chamber did not err in holding that the Directive on the Assignment of Defence Counsel allowed for representation by co-counsel acting under the authority of lead counsel in the absence of the latter.

See also paras 87-88.

[1] Nahimana et al. Appeal Judgement, para. 139.

[2] Nahimana et al. Appeal Judgement, para. 139.

[3] Decision of 14 July 2006 [Prosecutor v. Milan Milutinović et al., Case No. IT-05-87-T, Decision on Pavković Motion to Stay Proceedings, 14 July 2006], para. 7.

[4] Decision of 14 July 2006, para. 8.

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Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Defence Urgent Motion to Postpone Pronouncement of Judgement - 28.05.2021 MLADIĆ Ratko

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RECALLING that counsel have an obligation to represent their client and to comply with orders of the Appeals Chamber,[16] and that, where the client is represented by counsel and co-counsel, either one may assume the responsibility for participating in proceedings;[17]  


CONSIDERING that, notwithstanding Co-Counsel’s unavailability, the Defence has failed to demonstrate that Mr. Mladić or his Lead Counsel cannot be present for the Pronouncement of Judgement, in court or via videoconference;[19]


CONSIDERING that […] Mr. Mladić has been able to communicate with his legal team and provide instructions following the issuance of the Scheduling Order, and in doing so he, inter alia, “spoke definitively” and “provided his unwavering position”;[21]

FINDING that, in light of the considerations above, the Defence has failed to justify the request to stay the Pronouncement of Judgement and postpone it until a time when both counsel can be present in court in person with Mr. Mladić;


[16] See [Prosecutor v. Ratko Mladić, Case No. MICT-13-56-A,] Decision on a Defence Motion to Reconsider the “Decision on Defence Submissions”, 20 August 2020 (“Decision of 20 August 2020”), p. 3, n. 17; [Prosecutor v. Ratko Mladić, Case No. MICT-13-56-A,] Decision on Defence Submissions, 14 August 2020 (“Decision of 14 August 2020”), p. 5, n. 30 and references cited therein.

[17] See Decision of 20 August 2020, p. 3, n. 17; Decision of 14 August 2020, p. 5, n. 31 and references cited therein.

[19] [Footnote omitted].

[21] [Footnote omitted].

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IRMCT Rule Rule 144(D)