Security concern of a deceased witness’s family

Notion(s) Filing Case
Decision on Rescinding Protective Measures - 14.11.2016 KAMUHANDA Jean de Dieu

12. In granting protective measures in the present case, the Trial Chamber considered that “the fears of the potential witnesses and their families, if they testify on behalf of [Kamuhanda] without protective measures” were well founded.[1] The Appeals Chamber notes that, following the death of a witness who had benefited from protective measures, security concerns may remain for the witness’s family. Therefore, the security concerns of members of a deceased witness’s family may constitute a relevant consideration in determining whether the protective measures granted to the witness should remain in place or be rescinded under Rule 86(A) of the Rules.

[1] Protective Measures Decision, paras. 14, 16, p. 6.

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IRMCT Rule Rule 86(A)